HELPLINE - 072 7900 506

Mental Health Issues


If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health issues, you need to speak to a professional practitioner. Let us provide much-needed help and assistance during this difficult time.

Life Path Health is a group of private mental health hospitals that provide inpatient treatment for mental health patients. Our practitioners include psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, as well as social workers who can treat a diverse array of issues. 

We are able to offer treatments for the following mental health conditions:

Our team provides support and expert knowledge into these mental health issues, helping our patients to combat difficulties and live a full and improved life.

What Are Mental Health Issues?

Many people are not aware that they are suffering from any psychiatric issues. Sometimes, we push feelings aside, simplifying matters and blaming stress or a busy lifestyle for some of the symptoms we experience. However, this can be very damaging and can cause prolonged issues. Below are some of the mental health conditions we treat. 


Read Article: What Is Anxiety Disorder?

Feeling anxious about significant life events is natural, and is something that everyone feels from time to time. Anxiety can manifest in different ways, and you may not have all of the symptoms, but if the following symptoms persist then you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

  • Constant tension, worry, or a feeling of being on edge
  • Feelings that interfere with responsibilities
  • Feeling irrational fears that you cannot prevent
  • Believing that something negative will happen if certain aspects of your life are not controlled (obsessive-compulsive behaviour)
  • Avoiding activities or situations because they bring about anxious feelings
  • Unexpected  panic attacks
  • Feeling as though dangerous situations could occur at any time

There is also a link between anxiety and depression. Both of these disorders stem from similar biological vulnerabilities. Our mental health practitioners suggest seeking treatment for both conditions in order to remedy the situation.


Read Article: Are You In Control Of Your Stress?

Stress and anxiety are often related, but stress can more easily be contained. It is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or that could cause an upset. It is also known as the “fight-or-flight” response. However, if the below symptoms persist, it is time to seek help.

  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Poor judgement
  • Inability to see the positive in life
  • Anxious thoughts
  • Constant moodiness or aggression
  • Irritability
  • Agitation and not being able to relax
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Feeling lonely or isolated
  • Depression or feeling unhappy

Chronic stress can be intensely damaging to your physical and mental health. You might find yourself with higher blood pressure due to stress, and could develop an anxiety disorder. We recommend speaking to one of our practitioners to find the root of your stress today.


Read Article: What You Need To Know About Suicide Prevention

Suicidal thoughts, feelings, and urges are commonly found with depressive illnesses such as bipolar disorder and depression. You might also find these feelings surfacing with people who suffer from chronic stress and anxiety. It is important to always take signs of suicidal thoughts seriously, especially in younger people. The following are warning signs to look out for.

  • Ideation about suicide
  • Substance abuse or use
  • No sense of purpose or belonging
  • Irrational anger
  • A feeling of being trapped
  • Withdrawal from life
  • Reckless behaviour
  • Dramatic changes in mood

If you or someone you love has been experiencing these feelings, it is important to seek the help of a doctor or mental health expert as soon as you can. Alert those closest to the person you suspect is suicidal so that there are more people who can provide the necessary help.

 ⚠︎ A suicidal person should see a doctor or mental health professional immediately. Remember, always take suicidal thoughts or plans seriously!


Read Article: What Is Depression?

In life, we will all experience ups and downs in our mood. These changes can be sparked by reactions to life’s struggles, and sadness is a natural reaction. Many people mistakenly call these feelings “depression”, but in actuality, depression is a much more serious mental health condition. The signs and symptoms to look out for are as follows:

  • Feelings of helplessness and a loss of hope
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Changes in weight and appetite
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Irritability or restlessness
  • A loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Problems with concentration
  • Unexplained physical aches and pains

Depression can look different in every person, and it is important to look out for these signs. Teenagers can also be depressed, and their complaints should never be brushed aside as adolescent growing pains. Speaking out about your feelings can help to identify depression.

Schizophrenia is an often misunderstood mental health condition. It is a brain chemistry disorder which affects the manner in which a person acts, thinks, and sees the world. People who suffer from this disorder have an altered perception of reality and might see or hear things that do not exist. There are early warning signs to look out for, as outlined below.

  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Hostility or suspicion of others
  • Deterioration of personal care
  • Expressionless gazes
  • Inability to express emotions
  • Inappropriate emotions expressed
  • Depression
  • Oversleeping or insomnia
  • Irrational statements
  • Inability to concentrate and forgetfulness
  • Extreme reactions to criticism
  • Unusual manner of speaking

A person suffering from schizophrenia might also experience delusions, hallucinations and disorganised behaviour. If you know someone who might be experiencing these symptoms, the Life Path Health practitioners can provide help where it is needed most.


Read Article: What Is Grief?

Grief is a natural response to experiencing loss in one’s life. You might experience grief when you lose a loved one or a pet, the ending of a relationship, the loss of financial stability, or even the loss of a dream. Grief happens in stages, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The common symptoms of grief are outlined below.

  • Shock and disbelief
  • Sadness
  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Physical symptoms

Sometimes, people cannot differentiate between grief and clinical depression. It is important to remember that grieving involves both good and bad days, whereas the symptoms related to depression are constant. Getting support while grieving can help to make the process easier to manage, especially if it is for a significant loss.


Read Article: What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes people to experience two extreme mood changes, namely mania and depression. During the periods of mania or hypomania, people might feel excessively happy and impulsive. During the depressed phases, they will feel excessively sad and even suicidal. Some of the symptoms of the disorder are explained below.

  • Mania or hypomania
  • Feelings of depression
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Feelings of superiority or grandiosity
  • Restlessness
  • A short attention span
  • Significant weight loss
  • Sluggishness
  • Guilt
  • Hyperactivity

The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is not made through blood or imagining tests. Our practitioners base their decision on a comprehensive medical and psychological history examination. If you or someone close to you experiences any of the above symptoms on a daily basis, it might be time to seek treatment.


Read Article: What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological and physical disorder that often follows traumatic events where a real physical threat or psychological disempowerment was experienced. PTSD is a normal response to such traumatic events but can become a serious and debilitating condition if it is not treated. The symptoms of PTSD are explained below.

  • Agitation, irritability or hostility
  • Social isolation
  • Mistrust of people and environments
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Self-destructive behaviour
  • Intrusive memories
  • Emotional numbness

We offer trauma-focused psychological treatment such as cognitive behaviour therapy. It helps to bring about a positive change in behaviour, thought patterns, and feelings. There are also medications available to enhance this therapy, as PTSD sufferers might also have underlying issues. Let our professionals help with targeted programmes.

Our Tailored Programmes

Our programmes are unique and we offer innovative choices that are tailored to certain demographics who are often overlooked when it comes to mental health. 

Life Path Health has created separate programmes for these groups in order to address the specific problems that they face.

Adolescent Programme

Adolescents are often thought to be “going through a phase” during this turbulent period of their lives, but for some, it can be a truly difficult time. 

From the ages of 12 through to 18, teenagers often experience difficulties that can affect them. This includes anything from dealing with the stress of writing exams to deeper problems such as eating disorders or substance abuse. 

The Life Path Health mental health practitioners have devised programmes and projects that can help these young people to build confidence, improve their coping skills, and build their relationships with those around them. 

Our programmes include:

  • Homework sessions for those who need assistance
  • Biodanza classes to encourage better self-development
  • Parent and child support groups to build relationships
  • Activities and meals that are tailored to an adolescent’s needs

By addressing mental health issues at a young age, you can prevent further problems from developing later in life. 

Psychiatry For The Elderly

Elderly people often experience age-related mental health issues, and some might not have easy access to healthcare that can alleviate these. 

The cognitive disorders faced by the elderly can be debilitating and need an individual approach form specially trained professionals. Memory loss and dementia can be a terrifying experience and can have a significant impact on one’s mental health. 

With Life Path Health, these elderly patients have access to a safe environment where they can deal with their stressors and learn how to navigate the world. The psychologists and psychiatrists have developed unique individual treatment programmes for these issues. 

Our programmes include:

  • Individual approaches to cognitive disorders
  • Individual orientation programmes rather than group programmes
  • A personalised team to assist with placement, curatorship, and family support
  • Activities and meals that are customised to the needs of the elderly patient
  • A daily GP assessment to fine-tune medical and physical needs

Elderly mental health care is vital for ensuring that your loved ones are able to continue functioning in society and can manage their health. 

General Treatment Programmes

Mental health is a serious issue that needs to be effectively addressed. At Life Path Health, our general treatment programmes focus on the individual needs of the patients based on their diagnoses. 

By offering these unique treatment programmes, we are able to improve the patient’s life and help them to make real progress. We include both physical psychological treatments, providing an all-round approach which can make a significant impact on the patients’ ability to adapt their life skills and mindsets. 

Our treatment programmes include the following:

  • Individual assessments and programmes
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Medication therapy
  • Stress management
  • Development of positive self-image
  • Communication development
  • Healthy lifestyle development
  • Coping mechanisms for negative emotions

If you have been experiencing any psychiatric or psychological issues, reaching out to a team of professionals is the ideal solution. We can work towards improving your overall life and health in a collaborative manner.

Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

*Please note that we are able to accommodate potential patients who have medical aid or hospital cover. We will be more than happy to refer you to an alternative medical practice (or medical cover solutions) if you are not covered at the moment.


Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

Claro Clinic: 021 595 8500

Helderberg Clinic: 021 841 1000

Pines Clinic: 023 342 311

Sereno Clinic: 021 872 9760

Soweto LPH Hospital: 010 534 5660

St Catherine's Life Path Hospital: 033 150 0100

Tijger Clinic:  021 913 7142

Tyger Valley Clinic:  021 974 7660

West Beach Clinic:  021 001 0560