HELPLINE - 072 7900 506

Drug Rehabilitation


Drug abuse and addiction start with experimentation. You might have tried drugs out of curiosity, or in order to fit in with your friends. Many people who start down this path feel that the substance solves a problem and makes life easier, but it often worsens the situation. Life Path Health offers tailored drug rehab programmes in order to help patients recover. 

We have a multi-disciplinary team consists of psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and 24-hour nurses. We have created a programme that helps to target the triggers of drug abuse, ranging from the physical aspects to the emotional aspects. Patients will better be able to function in society once leaving our programmes. The treatments include the following:

  • A three-day supervised detoxification
  • 21-day in-patient treatment focusing on the physical and emotional aspects, as well as providing life skills
  • A free 12-month aftercare group
  • Family and friend support groups
  • Help with reintegrating into work and personal life
  • Outpatient treatment

Seeking help for a problem such as drug abuse might be difficult, but admitting that there is a problem is the first step on this journey. If you or a loved one is experiencing a drug addiction problem, speaking to a professional and seeking help is essential. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Drug Abuse?

If someone close to you is exhibiting unusual behaviour, it is important to know the symptoms of drug abuse so that you can rule this out as a cause. However, it is important to note that these symptoms do not always mean that a person is addicted to drugs. 

You should always speak to a mental health or general practitioner before assuming that a family member or friend has a substance abuse problem. Different types of drugs have different symptoms, as outlined below. 

Depressants, as the name suggests, lower the neurotransmitter levels in the brain which leads to the reduction of activity and though. These are often used in conjunction with “uppers” or stimulants for a more exciting experience. Common depressants include:

  • Alcohol
  • Narcotics
  • Opium, Morphine, Codeine (cough and pain medicine)
  • Heroin
  • Hypnotics
  • Mandrax, Sleeping pills
  • Tranquillisers
  • Pain relievers
  • Inhalants such as glue, petrol, nail polish remover, and thinners

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the symptoms of using depressants include small pupils, bruises on the body and needle marks, an unnaturally calm demeanour, drowsiness, and personality changes. If you notice these symptoms in a friend or loved one, you should contact a mental health practitioner for advice.

Stimulants provide the opposite effect of depressants, which means that they stimulate the neurotransmitter levels in the brain by boosting activity levels and provide an invigorating feeling and experience. Common stimulants include the following:

  • Methamphetamines such as Tik
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Cocaine
  • Nicotine
  • Caffeine

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the signs and symptoms of using stimulants include euphoria, hyperactivity, nervousness, involuntary twitches, argumentativeness, and aggressive behaviour. Stimulants are highly addictive and can have lasting damage. If a friend or family member is exhibiting these symptoms, contacting a professional is vital.

Hallucinogens can be natural or man-made drugs and are often considered to be the catalyst for drug abuse problems. They distort the functions of the central nervous system and can cause hallucinations and a feeling of euphoria. Common hallucinogens include the following:

  • Marijuana
  • LSD (commonly known as “acid”)
  • Psilocybin (commonly known as “magic mushrooms)
  • Salvia
  • Dextromethorphan (cough and cold mdeicine ingredient)

Signs and Symptoms

After taking a dose of a hallucinogen, some of the symptoms a user will experience include hallucinations, paranoia, emotional instability, disturbed thoughts, and distorted vision. Hallucinogens can become addictive, and if someone you know is displaying these symptoms, you will need to contact a mental health or drug rehabilitation professional.

Our Programmes

At Life Path Health, we believe in taking a holistic approach to dealing with drug abuse and rehabilitation. We offer access to a multidisciplinary team of practitioners, including psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, and counsellors. 

Our programme consists of three steps which examine the physical and emotional aspects of drug abuse and addiction, as well as prove a life skills phase that helps patients to reintegrate into everyday life. Combining these three aspects provides a well-rounded solution to drug addiction. 

Physical Aspects of Addiction

The first step of our programme is to focus on the nature of the disease that is substance and drug abuse. This includes reading over relevant information about dependancy and using it to manage the recovery period and the continuation of the recovery. The following are included in this step:

  • Understanding the concept of the disease
  • Examining the physical, emotional, and social losses of the disease
  • The identification, management, and elimination of triggers
  • Management of cravings
  • Working towards relapse prevention
  • Applying lifestyle changes 

Looking at the physical aspects of substance abuse can help to eliminate potential triggers and issues

Emotional Aspects of Addiction

The second phase of our programme focuses on the emotional aspects of addiction. We look at how patients can use what they have learnt to improve their emotional functioning, as well as how they can maintain their new skills and techniques. The following is discussed in this programme:

  • Understanding childhood and parental influences on emotional functioning
  • Understanding personal anger
  • Looking at the role of unresolved anger in developing dependencies
  • Examining the relationship between lack of emotional expression and social support in terms of addiction
  • Codependency and the effect of drug abuse on family members

By fully understanding the emotional aspects of substance abuse, patients can work towards better emotional control and development. 

Life Skills Implementation

Learning new life skills is important for those in recovery. They might have lost the ability to cope with certain life situations, which is where skills development is vital. In order to maintain the recovery of the patient, the following is addressed:

  • Management of conflict and communication
  • Anger management
  • Therapy aimed at relaxation skills
  • Time-management development
  • Application of lifestyle changes

Rebuilding life skills can help to make recovering addicts feel more in control of their lives. This can also help prevent a relapse, as there will be fewer negative elements in their lives. 

Contact Us

For urgent help, please do not hesitate to contact us directly with a phone call. 

Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

*Please note that we are able to accommodate potential patients who have medical aid or hospital cover. We will be more than happy to refer you to an alternative medical practice (or medical cover solutions) if you are not covered at the moment.


Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

Claro Clinic: 021 595 8500

Helderberg Clinic: 021 841 1000

Pines Clinic: 023 342 311

Sereno Clinic: 021 872 9760

Soweto LPH Hospital: 010 534 5660

St Catherine's Life Path Hospital: 033 150 0100

Tijger Clinic:  021 913 7142

Tyger Valley Clinic:  021 974 7660

West Beach Clinic:  021 001 0560