HELPLINE - 072 7900 506

Helderberg Clinic in Strand


Helderberg Clinic in Strand is a private mental healthcare hospital in the Western Cape for adults and adolescents.


Helderberg Clinic in Strand is a private Mental Healthcare hospital of the Life Path Health Group.  Their experienced multi-disciplinary team consists of highly qualified medical professionals and 24-hour nursing staff. Medical Aids and hospital plans cover inpatient Mental Health Treatment for adults and adolescents.  Established in 2013, Helderberg Clinic is fully registered with the Department of Health of South Africa.



More About Helderberg Clinic

Helderberg Clinic provides in-patient hospitalisation and is a Designated Service Provider for major Medical Funds:

Multi-Professional Team

The multi-professional team consists of the following team members:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Nursing Staff
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Social Worker

Treatment Programme

The programme focuses on the specific needs of our patients according to their symptoms, diagnoses and level of functioning.

Occupational Therapy Programme

Daily group sessions take place whereby the patients develop life skills to improve their level of functioning once they leave the hospital.

The group sessions focus on:

  • Stress management
  • Self-esteem
  • Communication and interpersonal relationships
  • Relaxation
  • Day-programme planning and living a healthy lifestyle
  • Creative activities


  • Helderberg Clinic offers accommodation with an upmarket ambience
  • En-suite bedrooms
  • Air-conditioning in all areas
  • Lockup cupboards
  • Wheelchair friendly


  • Separate areas for smokers and non-smokers
  • Courtyard
  • Exercise equipment


Contact details:
T: 021 841 1000
F: 021 841 1001

2 Fijnbos Close,
Cape Town, 7139

Teen Suicide in South Africa

Teen Suicide in South Africa

Should we be worried? In South Africa, the death rate among young people is higher than ever, with 9,5% of all teen deaths being caused by suicide, and 20% of high school students attempting suicide. Who’s at risk? Among teenagers, suicide attempts may be associated...

Quick Facts about Helderberg Clinic

Founded: In November 2013
Specialist hospital treatment: Adult & Adolescent Mental Healthcare.
Facilities: The clinic provides, a dining room, separate lounges for smokers and non-smokers, exercise equipment, a garden area and en-suite bedrooms with air-conditioning.

Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

*Please note that we are able to accommodate potential patients who have medical aid or hospital cover. We will be more than happy to refer you to an alternative medical practice (or medical cover solutions) if you are not covered at the moment.


Emergency helpline: 072 7900 506

Claro Clinic: 021 595 8500

Helderberg Clinic: 021 841 1000

Pines Clinic: 023 342 311

Sereno Clinic: 021 872 9760

Soweto LPH Hospital: 010 534 5660

St Catherine's Life Path Hospital: 033 150 0100

Tijger Clinic:  021 913 7142

Tyger Valley Clinic:  021 974 7660

West Beach Clinic:  021 001 0560